Snow White & Seven Dwarfs ♥

Snow White & Seven Dwarfs

Narrator Five thousand years ago, at an unknown place, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips were gorgeous, and her hair was shiny. She was an orphan, she lived at the palace belongs to her step-mother. That arrogant queen has an unimportant habit, which was she always asking her faithful Fortune-Teller, who was the most beautiful woman in the universe, and the answer was always the queen.

One day, the queen asking the same question to her Fortune-Teller again.

The Queen : Hey, my faithful Fortune-Teller! Who is the most beautiful woman in the universe? (With an arrogant pride)

Fortune-Teller : My queen, the most beautiful woman in the universe is Snow White. Sorry, but now you are not more beautiful than Snow White. (With flat expression)

The Queen : Snow White?! It is impossible! My lovely cat is more beautiful than her! Don’t be joking! (Surprised and angry)

Fortune-Teller : My queen, I am not joking. If you did not believe it, you could take a look on the mirror in your palace together with Snow White. Definitely, the one who is more beautiful will be…

The Queen : Enough! I don’t want to hear it! Since now, you are expelled! (Screaming and pointing her finger to Fortune-Teller, then stand up and leaving the Fortune-Teller’s house)

Fortune-Teller : My queen, I did not mean to…

Narrator : The queen left the Fortune-Teller’s house angrily. She really did not think there was the one who was more beautiful than her. Moreover, she was Snow White, her step-child. She could not accept this reality. When she arrived at her palace…

The Queen : It was impossible, really impossible! This was fault. Snow White, the child who was just sleeping-eating-sleeping-eating? That Fortune-Teller should be crazy! (Keep grumbling by her own self while walking around in her room)

Narrator : Snow White was crossing the queen’s room, than she suddenly stopped because she has heard her name was mentioned. She kept eavesdropping from the door. Baca pos ini lebih lanjut

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Sepasang sahabat bernama Chaca dan Oliv, di sekolah mereka kedatangan seorang siswa cowok yang ganteng, dia bernama Ruben. Mula-mula deket sama Chaca, lalu Oliv juga terpesona dan jatuh cinta sama Ruben. Lalu Oliv minta bantuan sama Chaca untuk comblangin Ruben sama Oliv.

Pada suatu malam, Ruben mengajak Chaca makan malam. Saat itu Chaca kelihatan cantik sekali, akhirnya Ruben mulai suka sama Chaca. Ketika makan malam, Chaca menceritakan tentang Oliv dan berkata bahwa Oliv suka sama Ruben.

Malam itu Oliv ke rumah Chaca dan masuk ke kamar Chaca menemukan buku diary dan membacanya. Oliv langsung marang, di sekolah Chaca dan Oliv sedang bertengkar. Ruben datang dan menarik Chaca dan menyatakan cintanya ke Chaca serta minta maaf sama Oliv. Dia seketika langsung shock dan masuk rumah sakit. Pada akhirnya dokter memberi tahu bahwa Oliv tidak bisa diselamatkan lagi karena penyakit kanker yang diderita Oliv sudah sangat parah. Dan akhirnya Ruben sama Chaca jadian dan Oliv menutup matanya untuk selamanya.

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